Sunday, December 12, 2010

On the third day of Solstice, my Thelma made eggy custard for me!

Anyone else struggle just a bit with how "eggy" the EDC custard is? I do. I don't mind it but given that TheHusband and I eat a whole serve of it, that's a whole egg each which does seem to be a lot of egg. And even with less cornflour the custard is still really eggy.

So next time I'll reduce it to:
Vanilla custard
1 egg
500mL full cream milk
80g sugar
1/2tsp of the best vanilla paste possible
35g cornflour

Put all of these in the jug. Cook for 8 minutes on speed 6, at 90 degrees. It will change tune a couple of times and that is really awesome to listen to!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for posting this. I absolutely agree with you about the eggyness of the EDC custard. Hadn't thought to do anything about it, other than make the chocolate version (which goes down an absolute treat over here).
    I'll be trying this one tomorrow night!
