Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pumpkin scones and pizza dough

Today saw me whip up some pumpkin scones in the Thermocauldron. They worked really well. I'll share the recipe when I get a chance. It's an Aunt Flo one though, in case you're dying for it rightnow!!

ETA: now's my chance! So I took Aunt Flo's recipe and turned it into this:
Pumpkin scones
20g butter (1T in the recipe)
110g castor sugar (1/2C in the recipe)
a pinch of salt
1 egg
300g cold mashed pumpkin (1C in recipe)
380g self-raising flour (2C in recipe)

Preheat a very hot over (220-230C). Weigh the pumpkin, cut the peel off, dice, steam, and cool - so I started with 300g and ended up with 260g or so. Put it in the Thermomix and process of speed 6 for a few seconds to mash. Add the rest of the ingredients. Process at speed 4 for 3 seconds. Keep in mind that the worst thing you can do for scones is over process them! Lock the lid and knead for 30 seconds. Turn the dough out onto a silicone mat, smoosh flat to about an inch thick, use the spatula to divide into scone-sized blobs and pop into the oven for about 12 minutes.
I have taken to making notes in my EDC cook book about banal things like the weight, roughly, of an egg yolk. This is because I have access to some bantam eggs which are teeny tiny and I'll need a few to equal an egg yolk from a normal size chicken. I'm typing this not at my computer (in bed actually) so can't remember how much is weighed but as the rest if the recipe is usually by weight, I should keep note of this.

I also made the ragut and another risotto, so have lunches for the week. TheHusband likes leftovers too so that the meals serve 4 easily means we can cook our way out of spending money on lunches.

Speaking of which - TheHusband made pizza dough tonight. He had a ball doing it and said it was easy, and the hardest thing was cleaning up. He said it slightly more emotively than that though!

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