Saturday, October 16, 2010

So all I have so far is an email...

I got an email! Our thermomix is on its way to my dealer Thermomix representative. She suggested that I think about what I want to make. I think I'll do a risotto first, but it also got me thinking about things that we buy, at the moment, that I want to make.

This is for lots of reasons. We don't have any food allergies or issues here but try to eat Real Food (ie the ones that don't have ingredient lists and nutritional panels) as much as possible. This falls down with a few things. We love Nippy's iced coffees, TheHusband has a sweet tooth, and we buy yoghurt, stock powder, baking powder and so many other things that I'm sure we don't need to buy and with the right tool, recipe, experience and amount of gusto, I could make.

Yoghurt comes to mind as well. I'd eat more if it was there, easy to make, not too sweet and not too gritty, slimy or weird, not too fruity but not too tart.

Tonight's dinner was an awesome morrocan pearl barley and carrot soup that I made a few weeks ago for a camp I catered, reheated with some prawns and some (fail) dumplings - fail because I used plain flour instead of anything that was going to rise. As I was stirring it, I thought that it'd be an awesome and easy recipe to Thermo-convert! Will have to think on that as it was a play on this red lentil and celery soup and I am going to have to learn how to change recipes from normal to Thermocauldron!

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